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I Made A Pie!

Something so simple that I've longed to do, was a perfect way to recharge my soul.

Baking a pie doesn't seem like a big deal. For that matter, you can go to the store and buy one cheaper than they can be made by buying the ingredients. This one was special though. Not only did it take me on a trip down memory lane, this pie was mine- all mine!

You're giving ol' Pete a run for his money! –the hubs

To preface this, I have lived "roughing it" for three years ( actually 3 years, 7 months and 28 days). I use to cook and bake all of the time. My boys and husband were spoiled with sugary goodness all of the time. The hunters at the lodge never refused a sweet treat, regardless of how overwhelmingly stuffed they were. This Thanksgiving we spent with my sister back in my Colorado hometown. It was wonderful to have us together, but what I may remember most was the apple pie I made. What made this pie special? First, it had literally been three years since I had truly baked something homemade. I MISS IT. Second, we have fond memories of a dear friend that always treated us with his homemade apple pies. Also, I made my grandmothers crust with my mom. It's been years since we cooked together. Lastly, I GREW the apples. Yes in my own orchard, on a tree I planted as a Raintree Nursery bareroot stock a year ago. This pie brought my journey full circle. The best compliment I could have received came from my sweet hubby, "You're giving ol' Pete a run for his money!" I think he just enjoyed me baking again, but truly it was a good pie, leaving us all feeling a bit of a soul recharged!

"Give Me Liberty" Apple Pie


Include everything your reader needs to make this recipe perfectly, with measurements, optional additions, or alternatives. For example:

  • 4 Granny Smith and 4 Liberty apples, peeled and sliced

  • 1 lemon juiced into large bowl of water

  • ¾ cup packed dark brown sugar

  • ¾ cup sugar

  • 4 TB flour

  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg

  • ¼ teaspoon apple pie spice

  • Pie Crust- Pillsbury makes a fantastic one, or ask your grandma to share hers!

Make Magic

I make the filling first, giving some time for the apples to soak up the yummy goodness before baking.

  1. Preheat oven to 425°F and line pie pan with bottom crust.

  2. Peel and slice apples, putting cut pieces in a bowl of water with the squeezed lemon. This prevents apples from browning.

  3. In a small bowl, mix sugars, flour, vanilla, and spices together.

  4. Drain apples well, shaking excess moisture. Pour dry ingredients over apples and mix well to coat all apples.

  5. Put the apples and spice mixture into the prepared pie crust shell.

  6. Place the top crust of pie over the apples and seal the edges. If you haven't created a design in your crust top, be sure to do so now to allow pie to vent as it cooks.

Bake your Liberty Pie

  1. Place pie on a parchment lined cookie sheet, into oven preheated to 425°F. Cook for 20 minutes.

  2. Turn oven temp down to 350°F and cook another 40 minutes, or until crust is a beautiful golden brown. If you smell the apple pie aroma, it's probably done. That's what my nose says;)

  3. Allow to sit on cooling rack for a couple hours prior to serving, so pie filling is set up.

Serve with a delicious dollop homemade whip cream or French Vanilla ice cream.

Just one slice and I guarantee, your soul will be recharged!

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I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur and creative being with a zest for adventure, travel, learning, exploring, experiencing, writing, teaching and learning.  My quest is to find ways to 

Unplug to recharge the soul.


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